Basing investment decisions on climate adaptation and resilience impact

As investors become increasingly aware of the implications of our changing climate, there is a growing need for more information about the positive adaptation & resilience impacts of investments.

Private investors are increasingly aware of emerging investment opportunities in adaptation & resilience, with the Bank of America forecasting that the global market for adaptation & resilience may reach USD 2 trillion by the middle of this decade, and MSCI estimating that 11% of publicly listed companies deliver products and services that contribute towards adaptation & resilience.

Information about the positive adaptation & resilience impacts of investments can help to engage private investors and mobilise finance for urgently needed investments in adaptation & resilience.

But private investment in adaptation & resilience is held back by a lack of clear, practical and investor-relevant adaptation & resilience metrics that investors can use to identify, appraise and prioritise investments that make meaningful contributions towards adaptation & resilience​.

Therefore Cadlas is pleased to have worked with the Adaptation & Resilience Investors Collaborative (ARIC) and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) to develop guidance for investors on the assessment of adaptation and resilience impact in private investments. This guidance, which is available here, sets out a practical framework for assessing adaptation and resilience impact across a broad range of investments using a set of clear, consistent and investor-relevant metrics.